SANCA - School of Acrobatics & New Circus Arts
SANCA is a not for profit school teaching circus arts to students of all ages.
SANCA - School of Acrobatics & New Circus Arts
SANCA is a not for profit school teaching circus arts to students of all ages.
Thank you for your gift of support for the Flying Trapeze Tent Upgrade. Your gift will enable SANCA to update the tent with a new, insulated cover. The insulation will make the tent warmer and more comfortable in the winter months! It will also create an additional space for circus classes to happen even when there are no Flying Trapeze activities.
Your gift in 2021 qualifies for a tax deduction under the CARES Act
Individuals can take a charitable deduction of up to $300 (and married couples, up to $600), even if you do not itemize. If you do itemize deductions, cash contributions to qualified charities can be deducted up to 100% of your adjusted gross income for 2021. Consult with your financial advisor about how to file for this deduction.
Goal: $90,000.00