Start date: Tuesday, February 15 2022.


 Tuesdays, 1:00 PM - 1:55 PM ,

 From February 15, 2022 until March 22, 2022 ,

 Main Aerial Area ,

 Leslie Rosen ,

Location: Main Aerial Area | 674 South Orcas Street, Seattle, WA, 98108


Does joining an aerial class feel intimidating? Does the idea of hanging from your hands and going upside down feel completely impossible? If so, this class might be for you.

In this class, students will start their journey towards holding their own weight in the air. Students will use aerial equipment, and other fitness means, to learn about their untapped core and grip strength, as well as body awareness for approaching inversion. 

Available spots: 4/6

Price: $50.00 Taxes waived

Required age: Over 18 years old on the day of the activity

Prerequisites: Enthusiasm for the circus arts!

Tags: Aerial

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