Start date: Monday, August 23 2021.


 Every day, 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM ,

 From August 23, 2021 until August 27, 2021 ,

 Science Studio ,

Resource person:

Location: Science Studio | 4355 Jingle pot rd , Room 101, Nanaimo, BC, YYYYYYYY


There are so many awesome kinds of waves to explore!  Campers will learn about sound waves, light waves, water waves, seismic waves, and more!  This is a great camp with tons of new content that will touch on a variety of STEM areas.

Daily outdoor time during lunch/recess and additional fun activities will help round out our days.

COVID-19 Safety Measures will be in effect. Masks must be worn during the duration of the indoor portion of camp, and students will need to respect social distancing and remain at their table/work station while indoors.

Available spots: Full

Price: $300.00 Taxes waived

Required age: 6 - 12 years old on the day of the activity

Notes: Runs daily from 9:00-3:00. After camp care is available - please register separately for the days you need. Stay and Play will be cancelled if there is no registrant for that day one week prior to the start of camp. Please read over our camp policies on our website or in the terms and conditions before completing your purchase.

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