391 St. Clements Ave. Toronto ON M5N 1M2 CA

Start date: Thursday, January 18 2024.


 On Thursday from 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM.

 From 1/18/2024 until 3/7/2024

Resource person: lindsgoldberg@gmail.com



Join our JK to Grade 1 Reading Club, where young readers come together once a week to embark on exciting literary adventures. This after-school program is designed to foster a love for reading, improve literacy skills, and inspire creativity. Through engaging storytelling and age-appropriate books, kids will explore the enchanting world of literature in a fun and supportive environment. It's a perfect opportunity for young minds to discover the joy of reading and develop essential literacy skills while making new friends.


Available: Full

Price: $230.00 Taxes included

Required age: 4 - 6 years old on the day of the activity

Prerequisites: Students must be in Kindergarten. There is a minimum number of students required to run this program.

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